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Curriculum Intent for History.

Our vision here at Scargill is that a high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world which should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. We hope to equip pupils with the skill to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. 

We believe that as far as possible, history lessons should be biased towards practical lessons, with artefacts, ICT and drama playing a key part. Trips, visitors and ‘Wow Days’ also greatly enhance our History curriculum.


History is planned for in year group teams, based on the National Curriculum programmes of study. Our History curriculum is enquiry based and our children are encouraged to be  'History Detectives' to search for clues to help them to find out about the past. Our youngest learners in Reception are encouraged to be 'Time Detectives' too, going back in time to find out what life was like in the past. Our lessons will include the key historical knowledge of the past such as dates, events and significant figures as well as  planned activities to help the children develop the key historical skills they need, such as:

  • Evidence and Interpretation
  • Historical Significance
  • Chronology
  • Cause and Consequence
  • Similarity and Difference
  • Change and Continuity
Discreet history lesson plans will be planned, and medium term planning can be found on the shared server. Where appropriate history themes may also be explored through quality texts in English sessions. Opportunities for extended, open historical research projects should be provided as option within homework tasks, to help foster pupils’ interest in the past.

Our lessons here at Scargill are to begin with a quick Revisit, Remember and Respond activity. This helps the children with their knowledge and understanding of the past and ultimately ensures that they will know and remember more. This also is for the teacher to assess the children’s prior learning and address any misconceptions