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Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Information

It is our aim here at Scargill that all children, regardless of background, ethnicity or level of need, are supported to thrive.

It is our intention that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported to achieve their potential through access to quality first class teaching and appropriately adapted learning activities and approaches.

Our long term goal is to help equip our children with the knowledge and skills they need to live fulfilling and independent lives, achieving the goals and aspirations that our children set for themselves, with the support of all those around them.



  • To provide full access for all pupils to a broad and balanced curriculum
  • To ensure that the needs of pupils with SEND are identified early
  • To ensure these pupils are assessed, monitored, planned for and regularly reviewed to improve outcomes and therefore make the necessary progress
  • To enable pupils with SEND to achieve their potential
  • To ensure pupils are prepared for adulthood
  • To ensure SEND pupils are equipped for life in the wider community
  • To ensure parents/carers are fully engaged in decision making, assessing progress and determining goals
  • To gain the views of the child and enable them to have a voice
  • To take into account the views, wishes and feelings of parents/carers
  • To provide advice and support for all staff working with pupils with SEND
  • To identify and refer pupils to the appropriate services where a need has been identified
  • To implement the advice of experts and professionals involved from outside of the school
  • To identify and direct parents to the best providers of support
  • To provide detailed information about the arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEND
  • To support key transition points to allow them to be as smooth as possible



  • We will implement and regularly review the SEND policy, ensuring its effectiveness and adjusting it accordingly
  • Our Reception staff will identify children in Reception who may have additional needs as early as possible and work closely with the  SENDCO to ensure the appropriate level of support is planned for
  • The school SEND list is kept up to date and regularly reviewed, including data on primary needs etc...
  • The SENDCO will initiate and complete relevant paperwork for referrals to other services or applications for funding e.g. Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), Inclusion funding, Speech and Language Therapy referrals and other health referrals etc.
  • We will co-ordinate support for children with SEND both at home and in school to ensure a holistic approach through regular meetings with parents to capture their views as well as those of the child
  • The SENDCO will liaise with external agencies and help the staff to implement their strategies and advice
  • As a supportive and diligent school we will support teaching assistants with training and expertise to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEND
  • Our Thrive approach is used to support those identified with emotional, social and mental health
  • SENDCOs will attend training and network meetings to keep up to date with current issues, research key SEND areas and disseminate relevant information to staff
  • We will ensure that staff receive continued professional development (CPD) through in-house training
  • SENDCOs will report to governors on the progress of SEND children and the current strengths and areas in need of developing
  • A flexible approach to the curriculum is taken for pupils with SEND who may need a more tailored, bespoke approach 
  • Regular learning walks and book looks will take place to ensure that SEND children are well supported and making progress as well as Pupil Progress Meetings between teachers and Senior Leaders
  • We will strive to ensure that children are fully prepared for the next phase of their learning and that they develop appropriate life skills to help them live with growing independence
  • That children will be prepared mentally and socially for the challenges that the future may bring



  • Our children with SEND are happy, safe and have their needs addressed
  • We develop safe learning environments where difference and diversity is embraced and all pupils are respected and respectful
  • Through embracing restorative practices and emotion coaching techniques, those children with social, emotional and mental health needs can thrive
  • Children have a voice and feel heard – they are involved in decisions made about themselves
  • Staff are empathic, supportive and compassionate and create effective learning opportunities for all
  • Parents feel listened to, supported and play an important role in decision making about their child
  • Early intervention means that we can implement support/provision quickly
  • Relationships between staff, pupils, parents and wider professionals are at the heart of everything we do at Scargill where we want all our children to have a love of learning

What is SEND and How is it Identified?

We are a mainstream, fully inclusive school where all classes are of mixed ability and attainment. Teachers provide work that is suitably adapted to match the needs of all children, including those with SEND.  Learning tasks and the environment are adapted to ensure all children are supported.

There are four SEND categories;

- Cognition and Learning

- Social, Emotional and Mental Health

-Language and Interaction


Information about these can be found in the links on the following pages.


A child has a SEND where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely that is different from or additional to that of ‘normally available’ within one or more of the categories above.

Children have a special educational need if:
  • They have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age; or
  • Have a disability that prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools.
  • They are under compulsory school age and fall within the definition(s) above or would do so if special educational provision was not made for them.
  • A child needs to make progress with a social/emotional need

What Support Will My Child Get?

Depending on the level of support your child receives, they will have identified Specific, Measurable Achievable, Realistic and Time bound (SMART) targets which will be reviewed regularly, usually three times a year on your child's SEND support plan (SSP)

Some children require the support of specialist agencies such as Speech and Language Therapists, Behaviour Support, Educational Psychologist etc.  If this is the case for your child, parents will be kept fully informed of the process. At Scargill we pride ourselves on establishing and maintaining close communication and links between families, school and outside agencies making sure that your child remains the central focus of all our efforts.

Click on the link below to view our early identification easy to read flow chart.

Who Can I speak to About SEND?

The members of staff responsible for leading SEND are our SENDCOs Mrs Hallsworth, (KS2) and Miss Clutterbuck (Reception, KS1) Year 3 are shared between the SENDCOs to aid transition from KS1 to KS2, with Miss Clutterbuck handing over to Mrs Hallsworth half way through the academic year.

Contact: 0115 9320005 or 


If you are concerned, your first port of call is always your child's class teacher.


What Training Do Staff Receive? 

Both SENDCOs are qualified teachers with a National Award in Special Educational Needs Co-ordination.

All staff receive training throughout the year, this includes Quality First Teaching (QFT).

Staff receive a range of training at three levels; awareness, enhanced and specialist. Relevant information from courses is fed back to staff during staff development time.

SENDCOs attends termly update meetings with other SENDCO’s within DDAT and within the local authority.

The school has regular visits from outside agency teams who advise staff in supporting the success and progress of individual pupils.

The NHS Speech and Language Therapist is in regular contact to assess, plan support for targeted pupils and advise and train staff. Programmes for targeted pupils are delivered by a trained teaching assistant. 

Please click below to view our SEND information report which details even more about SEND within our school.

Who is the Governor Link for SEND?

Susan Rogers


SEND Governor role includes:

-Working alongside the SENDCOs to monitor the provision and practices within the school
-Supporting school in its work with children with SEN- numbers, staffing ratios, budget allocation
reporting back to the full governing body after discussions with the SENDCOs so all governors know about current situations of the school
-Asking challenging questions 

Working With Partners

It is important that SENDCOs, teachers, parents, TAs, outside, the Local Authority and the children themselves work together to remove barriers to learning for all. Prior to referral for support from outside agencies, details and concerns will be discussed with parents. 

Parents - For any impartial advice for SEND contact Derbyshire Information Advice & Support Service for SEND (DIASS)


Tel: 01629533668 / 01629533660



Outside Agencies

More information can be found on the Local offer web page.

Following discussions with parents and class teachers, SENDCOs may request advice from the following services:

Educational Psychology Service - Derbyshire

Speech and Language Therapy

Visual Impairment Team

Hearing Impairment Team 

Physical Impairment Team

Occupational Therapy

School Nurse 

Where there are concerns around possible ASC, ADHD, ADD or other health needs, a referral to Single Point of Access (SPOA) may be completed, with parental consent. for more information about this process please go to: Neurodevelopmental pathway SPOA

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
The class teacher has responsibility for all of the children in the class. ‘Every teacher is a teacher of SEND’ and it is through their expertise and training which will enable them to identify children in their class who have particular needs. Where a pupil is identified, action is taken to put effective special education provision in place. If you are worried about your child and have any concerns regarding possible special educational needs please speak to your child's class teacher.
How Do We Support Transition?
Moving into Reception

Established links with the three main local pre-school providers enable us to support SEND children’s as they move into Reception here at Scargill. This may include additional visits prior to their school start date, meetings with class teacher/SENDCO/outside agencies (eg health) Full handover from the pre-school providers to the Reception.

Moving from KS1 to KS2

To aid a smooth transition, children with SEND in Y3 remain under the supervision of the KS1 SENDCO (Miss Clutterbuck) until halfway through the academic year (Feb half-term). Then they become under the supervision of the KS2 SENCO (Mrs Hallsworth).

Moving from KS2 to KS3 (Secondary School)

Established links with many local Secondary School SENDCOs allow for necessary information to be shared easily and additional support put in place. This might include meetings or extra visits during Year 6.

Mid-academic Year Transitions

If your child has identified SEND please make an appointment to meet with the appropriate SENDCO/Class teacher so that we can work together to ensure a positive start to joining our school.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
We are committed to ensuring all learners make a full and active contribution to all elements of school life. Wherever possible, steps are taken to adapt learning opportunities so that no learner is excluded. Parents are engaged in supporting learners in this area, including being consulted before activities which are likely to present specific challenges for the learner in question.
All children are encouraged to take part in extra-curricular clubs. We are proud of our inclusive ethos, and so are all our children. 
Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable every child to participate in all school activities.
If it is deemed that an intensive level of support is required, a parent or carer may be asked to accompany their child during the activity

The Local Offer

Local authorities must publish a Local Offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans. 

The Local Offer tells you what support is available for children and young people with SEND. It must include information about education, health and care provision. It should also tell you about training, employment and independent living for young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Parent, pupil and professional voices

'I am always very welcomed at Scargill. The staff are very willing to take on new ideas and strategies and are positive and inclusive in their approach. I very much feel part of the team when I work at Scargill and I enjoy seeing the progress of the children I support. The staff team work positively with local authority support services to meet the needs of their SEND children.

County Behaviour Support Teacher, March 2023


'The transition booklets/ leaflets sent home in the summer term really supported my child's transition from Year 2 into Year 3.' Year 3 parent September 2023